
Health and mental wellness: Understanding the relationship

October 12, 2021
Care Homes Essex

Although our bodies and minds are often thought of separately, they are very closely connected when it comes to our health and wellbeing. We are stimulated by endorphins when we exercise because they are known as “good hormones.” Poor mental health, on the other hand, can lead to excessive fatigue that results in more sedentary behavior with associated health risks like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

In addition, a recent study found that almost 30% of people with chronic physical and mental illnesses suffer from poor mental health, often being depressed or anxious.

Taking care of the elderly’s mental health is essential

Over the next half-century, the world’s population will age significantly, as more people over 60 are expected to live longer. More than 20% of persons over the age of 60 live with a mental or neurological disorder, such as dementia or depression, according to the World Health Organization.

Aging can often lead to changes in lifestyle at Care Homes Essex , as well as a number of factors that can affect our mental well-being in late life, such as bereavement, loneliness, or diminished mobility. However, while many of these factors can have an impact on some people in later life, they are in no way an inevitability associated with aging.

By promoting active and healthy aging, including maintaining a healthy lifestyle and living in a stable and comfortable environment, the WHO suggests that older adults’ mental health can be improved.

Health and mental well-being go hand in hand

Care Homes Essex

The lifestyle factors an individual chooses can have a significant impact on his or her physical and mental health. Therefore, poor physical health can result in mental illness. In the same way, poor mental health might also negatively impact physical health.

Staying physically and mentally active can boost your health in many ways. We release feel-good chemicals into the brain after exercise, which enhances our mood. You can also feel more confident by consuming these chemicals – or endorphins. The benefits of exercise for those with mobility issues also include building muscle strength, reducing their fall risk. Keep active by simply gardening, walking, and practicing yoga; these gentle activities can be just as beneficial to your health. You do not have to visit the gym each day or follow strict exercise routines.

Both physically and mentally, good nutrition is important when it comes to feeling good. Our bodies need nutrients to stay healthy and strong, so we need to feed them the right nutrients. As well as helping to ensure healthy mental and neurological functioning, these nutrients are also crucial for preventing and treating a wide variety of mental disorders and neurological diseases, including depression, anxiety, and dementia.


The emotional stress that people with diabetes experience can greatly impact an individual’s ability to manage their wellbeing. On average, four out of ten people living with diabetes experience this stress.

The individual with diabetes – or his or her parent or caregiver – has to be constantly motivated and must adjust their behaviors and routines to keep it under control. However, the management of diabetes can be complicated by mental health – and the result of it.

It is not uncommon for anxiety and anger to accompany variations in blood sugar levels. As a result, the mood may influence how people interact with their diabetes, as well as the effects the disease has on their bodies.