
The Dreaded Clogged Drain: How to Tackle Blocked Drains Kent

May 2, 2023
blocked drains ashford

Having blocked drains ashford is never a pleasant experience, but there are steps you can take to ensure that your drainage system maintains peak performance and maximum efficiency. Understanding the causes of blocked drains and properly maintaining your sewage system is key to preventing build up.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

There can be a multitude of issues causing blocked drains Kent, such as tree roots growing into the pipes, a build-up of grease and fat from food, objects flushed down the toilet by mistake, or even broken pipes due to age. Whichever the cause, it is important to take action quickly to avoid any further damage to your system.

Identifying the Blockage

Knowing which part of the drains are blocked can help in planning the best method of clearing the blockage – whether it be chemical cleaners or drain rods. If the blockage is accessible, you can have a look yourself and, depending on the severity, potentially unblock it yourself with a plunger, wire hanger, or plumber’s snake. For those in more precarious situations, it may be beneficial to call a professional to inspect, clean, and repair the clogged area.

blocked drains ashford

Chemical Cleaners

When dealing with blocked drains Kent, one option for removing the blockage is to use chemical cleaners. These cleaners contain caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide, that breaks down fatty deposits and other debris blocking the pipes. This can be an effective way to clear small blockages, however, it is not recommended for large ones as the cleaner is extremely corrosive and could negatively affect the pipe.

Drain Rods

Drain rods are a common tool used by plumbing professionals to break through tough blockages. The rods are connected together to form a long flexible chain, equipped with various attachments such as plungers and scrapers that can dislodge objects lodged within the piping. Be sure to wear protective clothing when using drain rods, as the unknown items being removed can be hazardous.

Preventing Future Problems

The most effective way to stop future blockages in your drains is to opt for regular maintenance. Sewer systems rely heavily on free-flowing pipes, so it is important to ensure that your system remains unobstructed at all times. This can be done through simple methods such as ensuring that no fats or oils go down the drains or flushing only toilet paper down the toilet. Additionally, it is beneficial to keep an eye out for any signs of corrosion, root infiltration, or leaks and call in a professional if necessary.

Repair or Replace?

If your sewer system has been damaged due to a blockage or years of wear and tear, you may need to consider either repair or replacement. This will depend on the extent of the damage and the type of pipe that you currently have, however, a qualified technician can assess your system and advise you on the best course of action. In some cases, trenchless technologies can be used to restore the pipe without needing to dig it up, making it a much faster and more cost-effective approach.

Make Sure You Call a Professional

Whether it’s blocked drains Kent or general maintenance of your sewage system, it is always best to contact a professional who can assess the situation and offer the best advice. Professionals have the knowledge and experience to identify any potential issues and work quickly and effectively to resolve them, keeping your family and home safe from any damages or harm.